Lupton House, Brixham, TQ5 0LD


Kate Fullerlove Brixham Bowen Therapist

Kate qualified in Bowen Technique with ECBS in 2010 and as an Advanced Practitioner of NST, Neurostructural Integration Technique, in 2014. She is a great believer in the body’s ability to heal itself; this belief has grown from all the evidence she has seen and experienced.

Kate really enjoys developing her skills, through her continuing professional development, adding different techniques such as Fascia Bowen and Cranial Bowen to her skill base; this enables her to adapt treatments as and when the need arises.

Kate qualified as a Homeopath with The Lakeland College of Homeopathy in 2006 and, in 2016, she added EFT & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner to her skill set too. She is an experienced therapist using Alternative and Complementary therapies and is always keen to broaden her knowledge

Shropshire review article


Shropshire Review

For years I have suffered with a painful neck and shoulders, which a couple of years ago led to a frozen shoulder. So when county Bowen therapist Kate Fullerlove offered to see if she could help, I had nothing to lose.

Bowen Therapy is a hands-on technique which aims to let the body heal itself. The theory is that the body will recognise problems and imbalance and make the necessary changes to bring it back to a state of equilibrium. Suitable for all ages, it can also help with emotional stress, and improve the quality of life for the terminally ill.


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